kategória: O firme
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Business name: OMERS družstvo výroby a služieb
Registered office:
- Sládkovičova 887/1 (premises of HELADA - market place 6th floor - former OSP - TORUS)
- Považská Bystrica 017 01
- Slovakia
- mail@omers.sk (info)
Phone No. /fax:
- +42142 4320514..
The company was established in 1993 as a legal entity of production and service cooperative by associating of qualified revision technical staff. Its subject are revisions - technical revisions and tests of exceptional technical equipment and the related activities. The priority is to provide with complex services referring to this equipment - also with supervising over all terms in accordance with valid legal acts, the professional consultancy and the administration including.
Subject matter: Services concerning dedicated technical equipment:
- reviews - technical revisions and test
- repairs, maintanence, assembl
- education, consultancy
- production for order
- electrical equipment and lightning conductor
- pressure vessels, boiler-rooms
- hoisting apparatus
- gas appliances
- motor lift trucks
Electrical equipment and lightning conductors:
- revisions - technical revisions and tests
- without any limits
- assembly, repairs, electroinstallations, maintanance of electrical equipment
- production of low voltage distributors (on order)
- assembly of air technical equipment
- repairs of electrical equipment for household
- repairs of products and equipment of electronic produce
- education, professional consultancy
- providing for official certifications
- providing for putting of imported equipment and machines into operation and certification and authorisation in accordance with valid legal acts
contact: Pavol Ješík
e-mail: jesik@mers.sk, elektro@omers.sk
phone no. +42142 4320514
fax: +42142 4260826
mobile: +4210905 659706
Motor lift trucks:
- revisions - technical revisions and tests
- repairs and maintanance of motor lift trucks
- education in the sphere of motor lift trucks: basic, repeated courses for drivers of motor lifts trucks - all types, professional consultancy
contact: Ján Martinka
e-mail martinka@omers.sk
phone no: +42142 4320514
fax: +42142 4260826
mobile: +42142903 340521
Other services:
- business service on the order (order delivery)
- locksmithery
- assembly of weather-strip of windows and doors
- scaffolding technique - education, courses
- education on technical equipment and health and safety at work and organisation of prequalified courses
References: complex / partial services on dedicated technical equipment
- INA a.s. Kysucké Nové Mesto
- BONFIGLIOLI Slovakia a.s. Považská Bystrica
- Slovenská autobusová doprava Prievidza a.s.
- Slovenská autobusová doprava Zvolen a.s.
- Slovenská autobusová doprava Trenčín a.s.
- Slovenská autobusová doprava Liptovský Mikuláš a.s.
- RAVEN a.s. Považská Bystrica
- ALVE Slovakia s. r. o. Púchov
- ADP s.r.o. Púchov
- D.K.C. s.r.o. Zvolen
- BYDOS Nováky s.r.o.
- IMC Slovakia s.r.o. Šebešťanová (Pov. Bystrica)
- RADEMAKER Slovakia s.r.o. Šebešťanová (Pov. Bystrica)
- KSK Slovakia Šebešťanová (Považská Bystrica)
- SCANIA SLOVAKIA s.r.o. Bratislava
- Severoslovenská vodárenská spoločnosť a.s. Žilina
- Považská vodárenská spoločnosť a.s. Pov.Bystrica
- T D K Slovakia s.r.o. Pov.Bystrica
- VIKO s.r.o. Pov.Teplá (Pov. Bystrica)
- OJUS a.s. Pov. Bystrica
- KOFOLA a.s. Rajecká Lesná
- DRB Slovakia s.r.o Pov. Bystrica
- HANIL-E-HVE s.r.o. Dubnica n/V
- CAREFOUR a.s. Bratislava
- VAJMELS s.r.o. Pov. Bystrica